MULTITRACES. Multidisciplinary training in circular economy and smart valorisation of the rural area for new business models
Project ID: 2019-1-RO01-KA203-063870
International Hellenic University
Kavala, Greece. 1-2 September, 2022
1st of September
Meeting of the participants at the Airotel Galaxy lobby-
Transportation to IHU Kavala campus Welcome from IHU partners Participants registration Handing over the Declarations of the relationship
Overviews of the intellectual products developed and the tasks concerning the dissemination
O1 Intellectual product:
O2 – comparative study:
O3 – Circular economy on rural territories- trends and tools
O4 – Guide for Moodle platform
O5 – O8 MULTITRACES online courses: final verification of materials
O9 – online courses performed
report of the activity (links to the video if this is the case) each module
video presentation of the courses and teachers
deadlines of the reports and videos
O10 – O11 Management and leadership – soft skills
report concerning the students selection, promotion materials
deadline of the reports
list of the selected participants signed
attendance certificates
O12 National practice and students’projects
O13 International practice of the students
Quality indicators of the Intellectual products
Dissemination activities
Friday 2nd September 2022
Meeting of the participants at the Airotel Galaxy lobby- Transportation to IHU Kavala campus
Dissemination activities at national and international level
Sustainability of the project
Indicators of sustainability
New project proposal
Planning of the final meeting in Romania
Handing the participation certificates to attendees
Evaluation of the meeting
Closure of the meeting
5th_Meeting_Agenda_1-2Sept_Kavala _2022_Final